"Dr. Greene teaches you how to be a person, how to care about people, and disguises it as english." This has been said by more than one of my fellow students, and said by myself. It is true, he played a very important role in the lives of countless students.
When you arrive at Sebc you are immediately thrown into an intellectual and academic environment, you gain so much knowledge. This can have adverse effects.
I won't pretend to have read all of "Orthodoxy" by G.K Chesterton, but what I have read he shows disdain for logic.
"The poet only asks to get his head in the heavens. It is the logician who seeks to get the heavens into his head. And it is his head that splits." G.K. Chesterton.
He pinpoints logic as a thing that causes men to lose their sanity. I completely disagree. I prefer C.S Lewis's "Men without Chests" that a man that is all intellect is a dangerous and completely unable to function in any vital role. Dr. Greene knew that Sebc was an academic environment, so he tried his best to not let it produce "Men without Chests."
Do not get me wrong Dr. Greene discussed theology with Dr. Snyder chair of Biblical studies. He modeled for all of us being in balance; loving God and people; with his heart, soul, and mind. He truly loved everyone I have ever seen him with, he did his best to teach and to show us how to be good Christ like people. He made everyone feel valued. I and other students experienced him knowing our names before we were in any class of his and before we were ever introduced.
He did all this effortlessly. I pray all of us would learn to care about people the way he did. That people would see us and just know we care about them.
Professors and students all loved him and saw him as an example of how to be caring and intellectual. How to be smart and still be moved emotionally. He taught all of us to be better people.
Thank you Dr. Greene you taught me so much more than proper usage of commas, you taught me that caring is just as important as being right.
Luke, this means the world to the girls and me!