Friday, August 6, 2010

The necessity of separation.

California's proposition 8 struck down based on america's constitutional 14th amendment. To interpret the constitution we must not import the context of religious beliefs, as we should not import political beliefs into our interpretation of the Bible. Under our constitution GLBT (gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and Trans-gendered) individuals have the right to be united civilly. This event brings about this blog.
Quick history overview Catholicism corrupted by governmental ties, Anglicanism influenced by heathen monarchs, Islam enforcing religious practice as law, and republicans trying to legislate the Bible.
Government and Religion are at the core almost indistinguishable from one another. Both have set doctrines; both require the public to believe in them; both to be of any consequence must be of large size; both rely on charisma, power, and momentum; and both are corrupted by fallen man. So it seems natural that they form alliances in a hunger for power.
In history we see this quite evident, in Babylon, Ur, Egypt, Israel and contemporaries we see deities and religious practice directing the government. In Rome we see imperial cults worshipping the emperor. The Catholic church and varying ties to countries. Anglicanism as the English church tied directly to government. Islam enforcing as law the Koran. All of these has negative effects on these entities.
In America we have the good sense to not tie the two together. We have separation, the government says gays can marry but the Church can disagree. But as a country with the core doctrine of religious freedom we also cannot require a lesbian Buddhist to act as if they are a Christian, we all know everyone will not make it to heaven why would we require them to follow our rules if they do not believe them. I am not saying they are valid in their beliefs I am saying fallen man will always be somewhat wrong. They will not be perfect unless at death Christ fully sanctifies them. So it is anti-american to legislate your beliefs upon someone else but you can also believe what you want in america.
It is healthy to separate the two entities to not corrupt the Church as a whole. The Church is the bride of Christ and Rome is portrayed as a prostitute these two should not unite. Ergo separation is healthy. So take the good with the bad, no prayer in schools, no prayer to Obama. I hope you understand and are edified by this blog.

1 comment:

  1. I find myself daily agreeing with this! We run this country based on the Constituion, not the Bible. I understand why Christians are so upset about this but let's remember the negative consequences of Imperial Christianity.
    1. Conversion becomes politically and socially expedient making mass conversions prevalent.
    2. Ordination becomes financially attractive.
    3. Bishops now have a judicial role that takes away large portions of their time.
    4. State involvement in Church affairs.
    5. Power, wealth, and sex are brought into the Church.
    I think the Church is too important to let the State run it and vice versa
