I love my roommate, even though we just finished arguing, I love him. He said something the

other day that prompted me to think. We have a mutual friend who isn't saved, we were spending time with him, and through this met his other non-saved friends. These people cursed, drank, smoked, and had no clue of any transcendent direction for their life. These aren't even churched laity these are the unchurched common folks. Myself and my roommate sat for awhile we listened made awkward small talk being the introverts we are. But ultimately we met lost people, genuinely lost people. But these were the average Americans.
I didn't think much of it, I am largely detached from the mindset of Church laity these days. I spend my time in scholarly and devotional Christianity, and no time in mainstream or "pop" Christianity. So when my roommate said one phrase I was unprepared. He stated this on our ride later that night, "Regular believers wouldn't hang out with those people, that is what I loved about investing in non-believers" This isn't verbatim but is the main points he made.
I was at a lost, we were that unique? Regular believers don't do this? Then I started to think, I have said all my life since I felt called to ministry "don't expect pagans to act like believers" its dumb. But through this I forgot that we do ask them to lay down everything in our presence. We walk in knowing we have the cure for their brokenness but offended that they are "Broken." I have no problem with anyone who isn't an addict smoking, drinking etc. but we do get offended even with unbelievers.

My thoughts immediately go to Christ, he hung out with Jews yes, but not the Jews you would think. He hung out with tax collectors who were most likely rigidly dishonest, whores, and the poor and marginalized. Never once did Jesus ask them to not be broken, he offered a way out of brokenness altogether, he told them "Follow me." He wasn't offended in his holiness, he was moved to compassion. Christ loved them, invested in them, and died for some fairly wretched people.
So aren't we called to be like Christ?
Recently due to some thoughts from a College ministry I attend I have started picturing kingdom imagery in Christianity and specifically evangelism and mission. To be simple I will give a brief summary of the pertinent ideas here. Christ when he came inaugurated the Kingdom of God and when he returns he will fulfill it and bring it to its full extent. Ergo the Church is left to manifest Christ as best as possible in an uphill battle against culture until Christ's return. So the fate of those people at the pool relies on God election yes, but secondarily on God using the Church's witness.
So my main question becomes this, how as the Church have we become so easily offended that we have rendered ourselves ineffective? (I will say if you interact with genuinely lost people you are partially exempt). See the truth is the Church as broken as it is, remains God's manifestation of his Gospel. Therefore the Church is either prescriptive or useless.
I revert back to an earlier assessment of the people we were with, they had no awareness of a transcendent direction to their life. But I guarantee you they suffer from the damning effects of the curse. Not a man or woman is exempt. God divinely designed the common wrath of the curse to point toward Christ. So as the Church holding the key to the repealation of the Curse, namely Christ, we hold this away from broken people because we are offended? Or because we can't have those people around our kids?
I ask you to reflect on why you and anything else exists, if you are reformed you answer will be along the lines of "For God's glory" well so do your kids, and so do you. Drop your offense invest and care for these people. Share of yourself with them, and share the Gospel.
Namely this blog is to inform and implore you. To implore you to action, do not be so offended but bear offense for the Gospel at the very least, and share Christ with these people. They need it, you have it. I don't care if they try to stone you, because Paul didn't care about that he went right back to them. So should your and my devotion be to the mission of God.